Twin Flame Dreams

The definitive voice of Twin Flame guidance and resources

What is a Twin Flame?

Twin Flame “Your Twin Flame is the exact tonal and harmonic vibrational match to your own soul. 

You are created in perfection, by source as two parts of the ‘one soul’. Each and every one of you has the potentiality to magnetize and reunite with the other half of your soul – your Twin Flame. 

Just as a fingerprint or snowflake is unique in design, as is your ‘one soul’, and therefore so is your journey to full reunion with the other half of your soul. The journey is unique, it cannot be replicated, healed, magnetized, reunited or figured out like any others. 

There is no ‘purpose’ or ‘reason’ for a Twin Flame to reunite. The reunion of the one sacred soul is purely from a higher understanding (conscious awareness) free from physical or mental requirements or conditions. 

It is your sacred birthright, and of each soul, to awaken (in its own way and time), magnetize and then reunite in full with its divine counterpart – the sacred reunion of the one soul. When full reunion occurs, it is done so free from the mental programed beliefs and programs and projections of separation.   

You have known eachother since the beginning of time, your connection is forever. Your reunion and awareness is a divine gift helping to awaken the planet into the 5D and ascend its beings. As you radiate your light more around you entrain into the vibration and are awakened to their own journeys.

“Welcome to the journey back to your heart, your divine birthright, the gods spark of creation itself”

 “Please be awake that these concepts are deep and are take time to absorb into your conscious mind – you may need to come back to this or print this out and read it a few times” 

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