Twin Flame Dreams

The definitive voice of Twin Flame guidance and resources

what is a Twin Flame?

Twin Flame Guidance

Every twin flame journey is unique & individual

Your story is like the geometric pattern of a snowflake – stunningly beautiful in its creation and perfectly balanced.

“i am so confused”

The initial recognition of the soul is an electrifying and powerful moment, the one soul knows it is home. Never before have you experienced the synchronistic experiences and magnetic attraction that occurs when the other half of your soul connects with yours..

However as the honeymoon period dissipates…

Never before will you experienced the truest mirror of your own soul. This mirror appears in many many forms e.g. separation, third parties,  or what some call the runner. All of these scenarios have been orchestrated by your own soul and the divine so that you may finally come into wholeness.  

Your twin flame journey is one of creation itself. The only way to full reunion is to FIRST understand yourself as a whole soul – only then can you come into full harmonic reunion and magnetize your twin flame back into your physical field permanently.

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What is a Twin Flame?

Twin Flame "Your Twin Flame is the exact tonal and harmonic vibrational match to your own soul.  You are created in perfection, by source as two parts of the 'one soul'. Each and every one of you has the potentiality to magnetize and reunite with the other half of...

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